
The Spartan Program

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The Spartan Program

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Within this guide you find the exercises, nutrition, and cardio to sculpt your body like that of the famous DIE HARD warriors of history. 

Are you TIRED of being viewed as WEAK? Sick of being DISMISSED because you don't have a certain SIZE or LOOK? Do you CRAVE the body of a KILLER that'll defend his home from invasion?

This guide will give you the sets and reps to reach those goals. You'll ADD SIZE, INCREASE your STRENGTH, and have both men and women giving you more than one glance in both RESPECT and ADORATION. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

I want this!

Access to all the exercises that I've done to sculpt your body into a warrior's body, cardio guide with intervals, a basic list for nutrition.

HIIT Cardio Guide
Variety of exercises for all muscles
Nutrition Guide
Rolling Schedule with Progressive Overload
18.8 KB
6 pages
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